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Myndplan Mood Monitoring

Simple, convenient, effective.

Make it part of your plan

Get the most out of therapy by monitoring key symptoms and tracking your progress. It's about more than just measuring your feelings. Regularly monitoring signs and symptoms can strengthen your resolve and boost treatment effects. Plus, with our help it only takes a few minutes each week.

Myndplan makes it easy...

Once your monitors are assigned you'll get regular email reminders that your monitors are ready. Just log in to your scan account and the items will be administered to you automatically. Your results are tabulated for you in a graph that gives you a visual picture of your path from week to week.

Free with the Treatment Toolkit

The Monitors are included with the Treatment Toolkit. You get detailed instructions on how to activate the app or self-administer them using a complete set of downloadable pdf forms. Regardless of which programs you use the ability to reliably monitor your progress will complement your efforts and support your overall change plan

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