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Methods & Mind Monthly

... is a newsletter exploring the science behind psychotherapy. This page contains a sample article from each edition to give you a taste for the content. Subscribe and get access to all the articles for free.

7 things about research into psychedelic-assisted therapy that will blow your mind
For the fall edition of Methods and Mind I've taken a plunge into recent research into psychedelic-assisted therapy. This was prompted by an article published in March of this year in the Journal of the American Medical Association by Sarah McNamee a...
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Which matters most: therapist adherence and competence in a method or the treatment alliance?
The Question: Cognitive processing therapy has been shown to be effective in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. It is one of only a few techniques that has been adapted for use in adolescent populations, where it shows similar effectiven...
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What dosage of exercise is required to substantially reduce my risk of depression?
The Problem: There have been lots of studies looking at whether being active, and more specifically, exercising regularly can reduce the risk of you getting depressed. Recent reviews that compare the results across many of these studies suggest that ...
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